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- INFO-HAMS Digest Thu, 12 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 761
- Today's Topics:
- ARRL Membership? (2 msgs)
- Early Radio History
- FT-470 UHF out-of-band mods
- policing CB
- Stirring Oratorial
- water power
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 20:55:12 GMT
- From: pyramid!prls!philabs!ttidca!sorgatz@decwrl.dec.com ( Avatar)
- Subject: ARRL Membership?
- In article <2371@ge-dab.GE.COM> byrnes@sunwhere1.UUCP (Arthur Byrnes) writes:
- +QST already had too little technical content, and too much
- +"Contesting". It seems they have plenty of room to print the calls
- +of those people who manage to get "points" by making hundreds of
- +2 second contacts on modes and frequencies that do nothing to
- +increase the state of the art, or even foster fellowship and
- +goodwill. But no room for the folks who are working towards
- +tomorrows radios equipment.
- RIGHT ON!! This is _exactly_ my point! This damn "paper-chasing" seems to
- be the overwhelming burden and it dosen't have to be like that, not at all!
- If the membership that is interested in things-technical were to mount a
- unified campaign to bring this to their attention I think they'd be forced
- into putting some quality tech articles and columns back into each monthly
- issue. Like some of the swell stuff that winds up in QEX. Which I've been
- (basically) forced to subscribe to...how is it that chasing points and paper
- is worth more than radio science?? I don't really know, but I'll hazard the
- guess that the contest-wackos are a more vocal lot than us techies...damn
- shame actually.
- +
- +Just the other day a saw a note here that says they can get usenet
- +E-mail, but "They are not interested".
- +
- +These examples show us that they are not interested in talking
- +to the thousands of (mostly) upscale highly educated hams who
- +are on the cutting edge of technology.
- +
- Yup. I wonder how long this kind of bs will continue? I think maybe I'll
- start something here: How many of you would be willing to compose and send me
- a copy of a letter to be sent to K1ZZ David Sumner?? Let's tell him what we
- think of this situation. Maybe we can make a difference, together.
- '73! and send me your comments. Paper-Chase or Technology ??
- --
- -Avatar-> (aka: Erik K. Sorgatz) KB6LUY +-------------------------+
- Citicorp(+)TTI *----------> panic trap; type = N+1 *
- 3100 Ocean Park Blvd. (213) 450-9111, ext. 2973 +-------------------------+
- Santa Monica, CA 90405 {csun,philabs,randvax,trwrb}!ttidca!ttidcb!sorgatz **
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 89 02:05:09 GMT
- From: pilchuck!ssc!tad@uunet.uu.net (Tad Cook)
- Subject: ARRL Membership?
- In his posting, Arthur Byrnes complained that the ARRL was not interested
- in getting E-mail from USENET. Actually, they are not set up to get
- USENET. There is someone at the ARRL who has played around with USENET,
- but is not set up to distribute mail to various departments from his
- personal computer.
- If you want to send E-mail to the ARRL, use the MCI Mail connection.
- I have posted it before, but I guess I need to post it again:
- ARRL @mcimail.com
- or
- 2155052@mcimail.com
- This should get messages to the ARRL from Usenet.
- Also, regarding all the whining over the cutbacks of "New Frontier",
- this represented about 8% of what they cut. If this represented
- the interests of a large percentage of the readership, they would
- not have cut it. As it is, microwave operation is done by a tiny
- percentage of ARRL members, yet the league is continuing to support
- it with other pubications.
- 73,
- Tad Cook
- tad@ssc.UUCP
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 89 08:36:41 EST
- From: bill gunshannon <702WFG%SCRVMSYS.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
- Subject: Early Radio History
- For those who are interested, there is the Canadian Royal Signals Museum
- located in Kingston, ONT. It only covers one small piece of radio history
- but I still enjoy visiting it every couple of years while I vacation in
- Canada.
- And while your in Kingston, The Royal Military College (their answer
- to West Point) and Old Fort Henry are pretty interesting too. Not radio
- related but maybe a good way to appease the rest of the family for dragging
- them to a radio museum. :-) :-) :-)
- bill gunshannon
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Oct 89 17:19:43 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!ginosko!cg-atla!raybed2!ewb@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (EUGENE BALINSKI)
- Subject: FT-470 UHF out-of-band mods
- For all of you who may be wondering wether an FT-470 will go out of
- band on UHF, I have some bad news. A phone call was placed to Yaesu
- by a local tech/dealer asking specifically if it could be done. The tech
- at Yeasu didn't know for sure but would get back to him. Well Yaesu did
- and here is the answer. They FT-470 is made in 2 styles, one that is
- imported and one that is distributed to the rest of the world. It seems
- that the ones that are sold outside the US can do the trick as they
- have a different micro-processor than the US versions. The ones in the U.S.
- cannot due to the soft/firm ware in the micro. A few of the "export" versions
- were sold in the US early on, so if you have serial # 1 or whatever, it
- may do it, but most will not.
- BTW if you REALLY DO need out-of-band UHF and VHF capability YAESU
- makes a COMMERCIAL version of their DUAL BANDER. I believe it's called
- the model 2005. Check with your local Yaesu dealer or Yaesu USA. It can
- probably be programed into the ham bands.
- 73
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Oct 89 14:04:00 GMT
- From: ishmael!inmet!benk@bbn.com
- Subject: KCBI
- Just to round things out: KCBI's FM affiliate is (was?) on 89.3 MHz;
- with callsign KCBI-FM.
- The last address I have for KCBI that is known to have been correct is:
- Criswell Radio Network
- P.O. Box 1809
- Dallas, TX 75221
- -- Ben Krepp
- From uunet: uunet!inmet!benk
- From DDN: benk@inmet.inmet.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 89 01:19:26 GMT
- From: philmtl!philabs!ttidca!sorgatz@uunet.uu.net ( Avatar)
- Subject: policing CB
- In article <8910110718.AA27974@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> IZZYH79@OAC.UCLA.EDU writes:
- +I haven't listened recently, but a while back when I
- +listened to CBers blatantly taking over the bandwidth
- +just below the 10 meter band some of them even bragged
- +openly about their power amplifiers and gave out their
- +addresses over the air for QSL cards. I wonder if the
- +FCC ever goes/went after them...
- + Arun WC6V
- Not just below. The space between CB and 10 meters is currently unallocated
- (27.410-28.000) and in the L.A. area it has become 'Hispanic CB'..lately they
- have been using 28.0-28.3 as well. The Truckers too have discovered that they
- can 'have a quiet channel' in this area. Nominally without a fight..
- I've bitched and complained about this for 4 years solid, I've written to
- my ARRL SM, I've written to the FCC, I've even T-hunted the bastards down
- and given the addresses to both our local FCC office and the OO's. I've
- been trying to get some support to have the matter resolved via diplomatic
- channels between the US and Mexican Governments...none of which has done a
- damn bit of good! There have been about 10 people from this very newsgroup
- (you KNOW who you are!) that have written me and said "Yeah, we're with
- you on this..let's get 'em!" And they've done the same things..letters,
- and more letters..all to no avail.
- It seems, given the influx of inexpensive gear to cover the 26-30MHz band,
- with all-mode (CW,AM,FM,SSB) capability, and given that such equipment is
- being sold to CBers at MOST EVERY CB STORE, TRUCKSTOP etc...we, as Amateurs
- had best decide to either rise up and actually DO SOMETHING about it..or
- we can look forward to losing 10 meters to the bootleggers.
- <side point>
- I have endured tons of hateful, shitty, email from a collection of
- human-scum that cruises this newsgroup, owns and operates equipment
- out-of-band and refuses to become licensed, or recognize that 10 meters is
- lawfully allocated to the Amateur Service. They scoff at us...they seem
- quite sure that the Amateur community will never get off their asses to do
- anything whatsoever about their illegal operations. Are they right?
- There are those individuals, on 11 meters, that have a reasonable attitude
- and more than enough courtesy to use CB radio for it's intented purpose; but
- the other side of the coin is there too. It has been my experience, that most
- (not all!) CBers, given enough encouragement and support, make fine Amateurs.
- And why not? They have an active interest in RADIO. They are willing to
- LEARN. They have some experience at operating the equipment, and most have
- some experience at the basic skills of electronics as applied to transceiver
- installation, setup, or modifications.
- I have personally Elmer'ed 7 individuals, all of whom started out on CB. I
- was never so happy as the day they all passed their Novice exams. BTW-they
- took the exams from a local VEC that I have little contact with, since I'm
- still only a Tech.
- (In-Letter PS to the hate-mail crowd)
- What does all this mean? IT MEANS I HAVE NO BIAS AGAINST 11 METER OPS,
- UNLESS they insist on bootlegging, cranking up the power or smashing up
- the rules in some other fashion. So, you little-jerks, no more bitching
- about my having an ax to grind about CBers in general! I was once there
- too.. ..and we simply didn't talk to people like you! It was considered
- in bad taste use 'dirty-30's' or kick on a Linear or not ID or hang
- carriers..etc. You cannot defend any of this kind of behavior, it's
- simply out of line!
- (back to the topic)
- The FCC will do nothing. The ARRL will do nothing...unless someone insists
- on them doing so. And it had better be soon, unless we like the idea of the
- CB band being 26-30 MHz, in which case the SCUM will have won..simply via
- inaction on the part of the Amateur community. Think about it, 10 meters is
- riding on *YOUR* decision.
- Persons interested in DOING SOMETHING about this problem are encouraged to
- write me. Flames to /dev/null...
- --
- -Avatar-> (aka: Erik K. Sorgatz) KB6LUY +-------------------------+
- Citicorp(+)TTI *----------> panic trap; type = N+1 *
- 3100 Ocean Park Blvd. (213) 450-9111, ext. 2973 +-------------------------+
- Santa Monica, CA 90405 {csun,philabs,randvax,trwrb}!ttidca!ttidcb!sorgatz **
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 89 08:09:32 EDT
- From: pescatore_jt%ncsd%gte.com@RELAY.CS.NET
- Subject: Stirring Oratorial
- Wow, I'm only 32 and I feel like an old fart. I've been a ham since I was
- 12 and it seems like the same old controversies continue to circulate:
- the ARRL doesn't support us, code vs nocode, HF knuckleheads vs VHF wierdos,
- people who don't have whatever the latest mode is (SSB, SSTV, packet)
- blasting those who do, etc. I guess its healthy, although in the age of
- electronic mail reflectors and packet mail forwarding, I'm afraid that new
- hams leaping into the digital side of the hobby are going to think Wayne
- Green must be a typical ham (he's not, OK?).
- In ARRL blasting, the latest series of comments has followed the usual path
- of thinking of the ARRL as the amorphous (sp?) "they", as if there were
- this giant jellyfish spitting out QST each month and singing the Wouff Hong
- song. In reality, there are three important parts to the league: (1) QST,
- and an editorial staff and writers who produce it, (2) all the various elected
- directors and division whatevers who are put into office by (3) ARRL members,
- who pay their dues, get a magazine, and fill out ballots.
- If you don't like an article in the magazine, complain to the writer. If you
- don't like QST in general, complain to the editor. If you don't think there is
- enough technical content, write an article. If you don't like the action of an
- elected director or whatever, complain to him or vote against him, or run for
- office yourself. If you don't like what a member does, complain to him.
- In general, ham radio has gotten to where it is today (which despite all
- the gloom and doomers, is a pretty amazing place) by the actions of many
- self motivated individual amateurs. Hams haven't needed the ARRL or industry
- trade associations or hit top 40 songs to spur advances. As long as I've
- been a ham, there have been moaners and groaners, pissing and moaning about
- this mysterious "them" who aren't doing what "we" need to have done. And
- I've noticed the P and M'ers are never running for office, or giving novice
- exams, or writing technical articles. The full expression of opinions is
- an important freedom we have, the taking action to change thing we don't
- like is an important responsibility that goes along with it (strains of
- "From the Halls of Montezuma" grow in volume here, cut to shot of sunrise
- over the Iwo Jima memorial).
- For those of you new, or prospective, hams who are getting your major exposure
- to amateur radio from this mail listing, please don't. Get on the bands
- and make some QSOs. Yeah, yeah, sort through the dueling maritime mobile
- nets, and the 80 meter Pig Farmers, and the WA4Dogs of the world, and you'll
- meet a lot of pretty solid people. You'll learn a lot, from an old fart
- W3 or a johnny novice KB6. You'll have a lot of fun, and have a lot of choice.
- Join a ham club and go out on Field Day or do two meter support to a local
- disaster preparedness drill. Get on a contest and work WB2EKK on all bands.
- This editorial brought to you by John Pescatore WB2EKK @N4QQ
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 89 03:21:22 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsm!wrc@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (william.r.clegg)
- Subject: water power
- In article <CMM.0.88.624018263.rwb@VI.RI.CMU.EDU>, rwb@VI.RI.CMU.EDU (Robert W. Berger) writes:
- > what is a typical flow speed (in MPH, knots, etc) of a typical stream?
- >
- > rwb@vi.ri.cmu.edu
- Typically, it is about typical.
- Couldn't pass that one up :-)
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #761
- **************************************